Launch of the Problem Structuring Methods Study Group


This file reproduces a brief report on the first meeting in April 2005 of the OR Society’s new Special Interest Group on Problem Structuring Methods which appeared in the Society’s Newsletter the following month. It took the form of a seminar at the University of Warwick organized in association with the Warwick Business School’s OR and Information Systems Group, and took advantage of a visit to the UK by two consultants to the Government of Venezuela who both had extensive experience of application of the Strategic Choice Approach. After an introduction to the current Venezuelan context by Jonathan Rosenhead, Professor Elisenda Vila of the Central University of Venezuela spoke of the adaptation of SCA to provide a framework for inter-departmental planning at Cabinet level. This was followed by an illustrated account by her colleague Professor Ana Maria Benaiges of a very different experience in the use of SCA in working with the members of a small community that had been severely affected by mudslides after exceptional rainfall led to catastrophic local flooding. This impressive example of use of PSMs in community planning generated a productive dialogue between the residents and the local government decision-makers, with a particular emphasis on the local management of water and sanitation services.


Alberto Franco, Mike Cushman

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