
The Forecasting stream at OR65 encompasses a comprehensive range of forecasting methodologies, featuring real-world applications and cutting-edge techniques, that facilitate informed decision-making across various industries, including but not limited to logistics, healthcare, humanitarian operations, and energy. 

In this engaging event, our goal is to inspire participants to develop and share their research through captivating keynote presentations and an array of sessions highlighting practical applications. Topics of interest for the OR65 stream include forecasting principles, machine learning, judgemental forecasting, and sector-specific applications. We welcome contributions from the public sector, private sector, and academia, promoting a collaborative environment that fosters the exchange of ideas, methodologies, and best practices. 

By attending the Forecasting stream at OR65, participants will deepen their understanding of the rapidly evolving field of forecasting and its connection to operational research. Attendees will gain insights into cutting-edge forecasting techniques, machine learning applications, and practical case studies across a variety of industries while expanding their professional networks and exploring potential collaborations with peers who share similar interests. 


Bahman Rostami-Tabar, Cardiff University.jpg

Bahman Rostami-Tabar, Cardiff University 

Harsha Chamara Hewage, Cardiff University.jpeg

Harsha Chamara Hewage, Cardiff University 

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Mingzhe Shi, Cardiff University