AfDSP Application

The Data Science Standards Framework sets out the skills, understanding and knowledge we expect you to demonstrate to become a Certified Data Science Professional (or Advanced Data Science Professional).  In answering the questions below please bring out the relevant aspects of the work that create a body of evidence that you do indeed meet these criteria, including the elements of ethics of data science that are not directly referenced in the Framework.

Please read the entire application form before you start completing it.  It is acceptable (if you wish) to refer to the same project(s) multiple times (in different contexts) as you answer different questions.  You only need to describe the background of each project on the first occasion you use it as an example.  In questions where we ask about projects you have worked on, that may include you doing the actual data handling, or it may include you managing the people who are doing the data handling (in which case you may describe how you managed the people to ensure the skills sought were appropriately executed).  Please try to use real examples, but where secrecy prevents this, transfer the subject context to a subject the lay person would understand but where the demonstration of your data science skill remains the same.

Please complete the below online form to apply. On submission we will contact you for a £50 application fee. Also payable is a £50 annual fee from 1 year after certification.

There is no save feature on this form so please use this word template to draft your answers before copying into this form.

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