Vivienne Raven

Why did you decide to become a member of the ORS? 

I’ve been a member on and off during my time in GORS, and got properly involved when I ran the GORS central management unit, coordinating recruitment and professional development across the government profession. Closer working with the OR Society enabled us to share experience and expertise on recruiting OR graduates, make training available at foundation and intermediate levels and develop a wider network of OR professionals. 

How has ORS membership impacted on your work or career? 

Being a member of the OR Society has given me a much wider appreciation of Operational Research – both academic development and practical implementation.  

Celebrating 75 years, what are your most memorable moments of being a member of the ORS? 

Along with Val Belton and Tony O’Connor we hosted a seminar for the European Heads of OR in HM Treasury building.  

Being a member of the OR Society General Council and their publicity, membership and website committee was a real eye-opener on how the charity runs. It was great to make a contribution and see things happening – the launch of the new website, a marketing campaign for new members, encouraging the take up of corporate membership. All small cogs maybe, but they all add up and over the years it’s been fantastic to the see the Society grown in both reach and influence. 

What do you value most from being a member of the ORS? 

I really value the network of OR professionals I’ve met and worked with over the years. Practioners and academics who all care about OR and ‘making a difference’ with our analysis. Whether at training events, conferences, lectures or socials there’s always something interesting to talk about, something to learn, some ‘old’ friends and someone new to meet. The Society has supported me in helping OR graduates start their career in Government. 


What would you say to any other Operational Researcher who is thinking about becoming an ORS member? 

Go for it! Please do become a member and please do get involved. It’s important to get an external perspective of OR and the recognition of professional accreditation. The OR Society is a charity and relies on it’s volunteers to get things done.