AI and Machine Learning

The last decade has seen the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

11:00 - 12:00 | Thursday 17 September 2020

AI and ML are now commonplace in medicine, health, criminal justice, social care, and financial domains. Therefore, when events like the COVID-19 pandemic impact AI and ML, the effects are wide-reaching.

This stream is a must-see for anyone curious about how COVID-19 may have impacted your algorithms, and what the consequences may be. Anyone working in, or interested in AI or ML will find this steam particularly fascinating.


Predicting in a crisis: is your algorithm still relevant in a COVID-19 world?

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust the world into an unprecedented crisis and the immediate priority for governments has been the preservation of life and sustaining basic standards of living and security for citizens. As the crisis unfolds, numerous issues will need to be addressed, including how existing AI systems are recalibrated to cope with the paradigm shift of features to predict outcomes.

Models that have been developed and trained on historical data may not reflect the current crisis. Fundamentally we need to ask the questions “is the AI system still relevant and trusted for the purpose it was developed?” and “how should the AI system be modified or modify itself so that it continues to be relevant and trusted?”

Join our presenters for an exploration of the challenges of validating AI with reference to abnormal situations such as a pandemic.


The presenters will talk about the issues for 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A panel session, other panellists TBA.

Dr Anthony Bellotti, 
University of Nottingham

Shakeel Khan, 

Organisers & Chairs:

Richard Vidgen - [email protected] 
Shakeel Khan - [email protected]
Michael Mortenson - [email protected] 
Mathias Kern - [email protected]

Join the Analytics Network

For those with an interest in analytics, in topics such as data science, optimisation, visualisation, big data, regression, data mining, predictive modelling or forecasting, the Analytics Network is intended to be your home within The OR Society.

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