Hybrid Modelling and Simulation

The hybrid modelling and simulation stream welcomes submissions from the industry, academia and the public sector that focuses on any aspect of modelling and computer simulation (M&S). Topics of interest include but are not limited to:  

  • Simulation theory (e.g., DEVS, Parallel and Distributed Simulation, model reusability),  
  • Single-technique Simulation - the use of conventional single-technique approaches to modelling using Discrete-event Simulation (DES), System Dynamics (SD), Agent-based Simulation (ABS), Monte Carlo, etc. 
  • Hybrid Simulation - the use of multiple techniques like DES, ABS and SD in the context of a single simulation study 
  • Hybrid Modelling – studies that have applied interdisciplinary approaches, including Soft Operations Research, Big Data/Data Science/Machine Learning/AI, Industrial Automation (e.g., digital twin) with computer simulation. 
  • Case studies related to Circular Economy, Digital Economy, Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0, pandemic and Climate Emergency, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are also keen to receive case studies that demonstrate the benefits of Simulation in practice in all areas. 
  • Standards: This may include work on the reproducibility of simulation studies, open science/open data initiatives and work related to the development of M&S standards (e.g., SISO PDG, IEEE standards).  



Masoud Fakhimi, University of Surrey


Nav Mustafee, University of Exeter