Inside O.R. April 2013


This month’s cover article looks at some of the modelling behind the spreading of crime. This work suggests that a community’s attitude to crime is a key factor. In his leader article, our new treasurer, Roger Forder, reflects on his return to the Society’s Board, and talks about the financial challenges and their impact our aims and ambitions. The Society offices are gearing up for next week’s Young (to) O.R. conference in Exeter. This is an excellent opportunity for those ‘new’ to the profession to network with their peers, to present their work and to learn more or exchange ideas in their fields of interest. It’s not too late to book – go online now! May and June will also be a busy period. We’ve got the KIM and IMSIO conferences, as well as our Adding Value to Analytics one-day event. Our challenge is to make this bigger and better than last year. The programme of speakers is shaping up to deliver this - we just need to raise awareness of the event. This is where you, the members, come in. Please promote it to your analytics colleagues.



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