Pro Bono OR Case Studies

Case studies are examples of previous Pro Bono OR projects. Browse our library and see how we can help your organisation below.

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Analysis of donor profile data

RUHX is the official NHS Charity for Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust. RUHX supports the activities of the Trust through fundraising and delivering across patient welfare, staff welfare, research, and redevelopment (for example building works, including the recently opened Dyson Cancer Centre).

16 | 07 | 2024

The client requested support to analyse a dataset of 25,000 supporters. The main aim was to help them understand how they can better communicate with their donor network.

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Maritime accidents: root causes and saving lives

CHIRP work to help improve aviation and maritime safety and build a Just Culture by managing an independent and influential programme for the confidential reporting of human factors–related safety issues.

30 | 05 | 2024

CHIRP (Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme) wanted to improve its analysis to better understand and communicate maritime risks more clearly.

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Improving impact and positive outcomes for a child bereavement charity

The Harvey Hext Trust
The Harvey Hext Trust was created to honour the memory of the founder’s late son, Harvey. The purpose of the organisation is to gift personalised Memory Boxes to children who have lost a sibling or parent, to help them in their grieving process.

18 | 01 | 2024

The Harvey Hext Trust has helped hundreds of families, however it hasn’t yet documented in a structured way who they have helped and how they helped. The Trust would like to create a database to enable them to grow and expand their service to areas they have not yet served.

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Critical Review of Data Infrastructure

Charity Excellence
Charity Excellence is the largest and fastest growing UK charity community with 40,000 members. They provide a free one-stop-shop that enables any non-profit to find funding, free help, resources and data via their technology ecosystem.

18 | 12 | 2023

CEF required a critical review of their system and advice on how best to aggregate and explain the data so that it provides valid, reliable, and useful output that can be safely used by any external organisation.

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Assessing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Maturity

Brandon Trust
Brandon Trust is a UK charitable organisation working with and for people with a learning disability, autism, or both. They focus on helping people with said disabilities to empower them to live the life they want.

18 | 08 | 2023

Brandon Trust had been working on the development of their new strategic plan, with a particular emphasis on inclusion. Brandon Trust sought to gather some foundational evidence regarding the current stance of their staff on aspects of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).

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Using data for insight, understanding and change

Contact support families with disabled children by offering guidance and advice, influencing policy and campaigns and offering training for practitioners.

04 | 08 | 2023

Contact wanted a better view of the demographics of the people they reach as a charity and to highlight gaps in services to inform future activities and analysis.

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