General Council Elections

Would you like to play an active role in supporting the society?

Seb Hargreaves, Executive Director

The Society’s General Council (GC) and various underlying committees horizon scan, help set the strategic direction and provide challenge and oversight to convert its plans into actions. GC is made up of 36 Society members, serving as representatives of the Regional Societies, a representative of the Special Interest Groups and National members. The five officers of the Society serve on GC, and together with up to six other members of GC act as trustees on its Board. Members of GC can serve up to two terms of three years.

Being a member of GC gives you a chance to meet, work, and build relationships with able, committed people from across the whole range of the OR profession. It gives you insight into the Society’s activities – its publications, events, promotions, outreach – and into the wider OR community across academia and practice. It gives you experience of governance, strategy, committee-work and decision-making that you may not get in your day-job. And it gives you a chance to take a hand in shaping the services and the future of the OR Society and thus of the profession. For people in early or mid-career, it is an invaluable opportunity to gain novel experiences, and to develop higher level management skills. And at the other end of your career, it is a way of keeping engaged with the profession and continuing to make a difference.

The formal election notice giving details on how to get nominated can be found here, together with a letter from the President, Gilbert Owusu.

If you’d like to get involved, the vacancies are listed below.

The commitment includes attending 3-4 meetings a year, and working on follow-up actions. Currently, most of our meetings are virtual, with occasional in-person meetings. Please get in touch with me using the contact form on this page if you’d like to discuss this further.

Call for nominations:

Officers of the Society to serve on the Board of Directors and on the General Council

Nominations are invited from fully paid-up members of the Society for the following vacancies:

Vice President † Six sponsors

Honorary Treasurer † Six sponsors

Members of the General Council

Up to 5 national members † Six sponsors each
SIG member ±† Six sponsors
Regional member, South Wales *† Six sponsors
Regional member, East Midlands * Six sponsors
Regional member, London and South East * Six sponsors
Regional member, North East * Six sponsors
Regional member, Southern * Six sponsors
Regional member, Yorkshire & Humberside * † Six sponsors

* Regional members must be nominated from among their own number by members within the region.
† Some incumbent members are eligible to stand for a second term.
± Special Interest Group member must be nominated from among the SIG officers

Completed nomination forms must be received by the Executive Director on or before 30 September 2024. LATE NOMINATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Contact us

Contact the Executive Director

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