Women in OR & Analytics Network

The Women in OR & Analytics Network is a network for female OR practitioners and academics.

The gender imbalance in OR and STEM in general still presents many challenges both for academics and practitioners.

Whilst there is a lot of literature about the low proportions of women in STEM careers, no work had specifically been undertaken on the UK OR profession until 2018 when The OR Society sponsored three MSc research projects on the theme of women in OR.

Key findings from the three projects concluded that The OR Society should establish a network for women at work in OR and analytics to build strong, encouraging connections.

We need you

We need your voice, your knowledge and your experience in this group. Help us to build a strong, self-supporting network and to set better conditions for the next cohort of young women launching into their careers in OR and analytics.

Join this Special Interest Group

Sign in to receive Women in OR & Analytics Network news.

If you would like your colleagues or clients to sign-up for this group, you can email them an invite.

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Network Committee

Katherine Kent
Maria Sofia Alul Secretary
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Come to our next event

Join WORAN at other OR Society events

WORAN will be at the following OR Society Events and we hope you can join us:

  • New to OR:
    Are you attending the New to OR conference?. Stay tuned for more information on insightful discussions featuring panellists including Katherine Kent addressing the 'Challenges of being New2OR'.
  • Annual Conference OR66:
    Are you joining OR66 at Bangor University on 10-12 September 2024? We will be having a WORAN session, offering engaging discussions and networking opportunities. Let's make this event even more memorable together. Watch out for more details!"

Land Lecture - with Dervilla Mitchell CBE, FREng, FIEI

8 October 2024, Ada Lovelace Day, at 16.00 - 18.00 online

register here

Join us for the online Land Lecture event on Ada Lovelace Day. We're honoured to welcome Dervilla Mitchell CBE, FREng, FIEI, our Land Lecturer.

Dervilla brings a wealth of experience, having recently stepped down as joint deputy chair of the Arup Engineering Group,, a giant engineering company that has - in no small part thanks to Dervilla - an exceptionally high proportion of female engineers amongst its staff. Dervilla was Head of Design Management for Heathrow Terminal 5, and also worked on the London 2012 Olympic Village, the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, and a number of other prestigious engineering projects.

For some years she was a member of the Prime Minister's Council for Science and Technology, where she championed the use of computational modelling across the economy; and she is currently Chair of the Royal Academy of Engineering's decarbonisation working group. She has long been recognised as an exceptional role model in engineering.

Events Subcommittee

Ruth Kaufman Chair
Stephen Maher Member
Frances O'Brien Member
Mithu Norris Member
Penny Holborn Member
Nishika Bhatia Member

PR & Media Subcommittee

Hugo Herrera Chair
Annunziata Esposito Amideo Member
Maria Sofia Alul Member
Seda Sucu Member

Mentoring Subcommittee

Nadia Papamichail Chair
Antuela Tako Member
Jana Ries Member
Kathy Kotiadis Member
Sonya Crowe Member

Get in touch

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