James Bleach

Being an active member of The Operational Research Society has been valuable to me in a number of ways. It has led to me gaining new skills and knowledge, and has given me the opportunity to fulfil roles and have experiences that I otherwise would not have had. It has also expanded my professional network – enabling me to meet and communicate with new people, some of whom have become highly valued colleagues and friends. There are lots of professional reasons to remain involved with my professional body, but for me the key driver, and what I value most, is that I find my involvement enjoyable and rewarding. 

One specific example is that my engagement with The Operational Research Society led to me founding a pro bono project, the ōbex project. This fulfilling and enriching project provides a free language editing service that helps operational researchers from around the world to get published in English. 


Dr James Bleach

CSci and AFORS 

Senior Operational Research Analyst, UK Government