Data Envelopment Analysis

Efficiency and productivity analysis are of increasing importance in today's data-driven landscape. This dedicated stream in OR66 provides an exceptional platform for both researchers and practitioners to disseminate their research outputs, share experiences, and highlight impacts in the field of efficiency analysis and performance management.

I extend a warm invitation for you to submit your cutting-edge contributions and recent discoveries surrounding the theory, methodologies, and practical applications of DEA. This stream is open to presentations from various DEA themes, including (but not limited to) performance evaluation, composite indexes, radial and non-radial models, sustainability performance assessment, uncertainty in data, dual-role factors, network DEA, and DEA applications in real-world problems such as logistics and supply chain management. Your insights in these areas will further enrich discussions and contribute to the advancement of DEA knowledge and its applications.

We look forward to your participation and the sharing of insights that contribute to the advancement of DEA knowledge and its applications.


Adel Hatamimarbini

Adel Hatamimarbini, University of Huddersfield