Call for Papers

We invite abstracts for the following by email to [email protected] (please indicate which in your email):

Papers / presentations, to be delivered as a 20-25 minute presentation with accompanying slides followed by approximately 5 minutes for audience questions

Interactive workshops or seminars with smaller groups, lasting 90 minutes, suitable for:

  • A deeper dive into a technical paper or topic that warrants longer exploration
  • An interactive tutorial or ‘crash-course’ in a particular method or technique, to promote it and upskill other delegates
  • Testing or refining a new method or technique through delegate participation and constructive feedback
  • Focus group into a particular problem or challenge, harnessing breadth of delegate experience and eliciting broad inputs

Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference, and (if enough are received) a dedicated interactive session with poster authors.

If you have any further questions, please email them to us at [email protected].