Making an Impact (MAI)

Making an Impact at OR61 - what we are planning:

Making an impact brochure (PDF)


Workshops, seminars and tutorials:

  • Tasters and masterclasses to help Make an Impact by using new tools or techniques
  • Workshops and discussions to help you Make an Impact through contributing to OR Society initiatives, reflecting on OR practice, developing new skills or business areas
  • Sessions on specific tools to give you new capabilities to Make an Impact

Data Science: a day-long set of data science activities taking you through the whole process of a data science project, from understanding the business requirement through obtaining and cleansing data through to analysis of results and concluding with a data science roundtable to allow you to quiz the team on the latest trends and future directions in Data Science.

Systems Workshops: a series of joint workshops with the Systems Thinking stream to help you use systems approaches to Make an Impact, including workshops on individual techniques and methodologies and in the afternoon the Common Good Game from Shell Futures to allow you to work out how best to solve complex and inter-related world problems.

Problem Solving: There will also be the opportunity to solve Kent’s problems in another of Miles Weaver’s popular series of Grand Challenges. Depending on progress on our European negotiations this may be a very timely intervention!

Speed networking: a fun and focused session to help you make new contacts across the OR spectrum.


Speed networking at OR58