OR63: Continuous Optimisation

The stream focuses on talks highlighting recent discoveries in the theory, algorithms, and applications of mathematical optimisation.

Of particular interest will be works around continuous optimisation and its interactions with other fields, such as machine learning and engineering, as well as relevant tools (convex and variational analysis) and methodological techniques, including first and second order methods, and derivative free approaches.

We're now looking for OR professionals, data scientists, professors, researchers, analysts, engineers, etc., to present at this event. Submit your 300-word presentation summary on Continuous Optimisation by the now extended deadline of the 25th of June to join our expert OR63 speakers!

Get STARTed, Submit today



Submissions deadline extended: 25 June 2021

Share your continuous optimisation experience

Contributions from either academics, the industry or the public sector are welcome!

We welcome presentations from any area of continuous optimization, including (but not limited to) the following themes:

  • linear and nonlinear optimization
  • variational inequalities and equilibrium problems
  • smooth, nonsmooth, and nonconvex optimization
  • local and global solution methods
  • first order, second order, and derivative-free methods
  • applications of continuous optimization
Submit your 300-word summary now to speak at our Continuous Optimisation stream.

Get STARTed, Submit today

Meet the stream organisers

If you have any questions, please contact one of the stream organisers below using their details listed. 

Alain Zemkoho

Alain Zemkoho, 
University of Southampton
[email protected]

Vuong Phan

Vuong Phan, 
University of Southampton
[email protected]





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