Continuous Optimisation

This stream is dedicated to presentations that showcase the latest discoveries in the theory, algorithms, and applications of continuous optimization. We are particularly interested in works that explore the relationship between continuous optimization and other fields such as data science, machine learning, and engineering. Relevant tools like convex and variational analysis, as well as methodological techniques, including first and second-order methods and derivative-free approaches, are also of interest. 

We are open to talks from any area of continuous optimization, and we encourage presentations on the following themes (although this list is not exhaustive): 

  • Linear and nonlinear optimization 
  • Variational inequalities and equilibrium problems 
  • Smooth, nonsmooth, and nonconvex optimization 
  • Local and global solution methods 
  • First order, second order, and derivative-free methods 
  • Applications of continuous optimization 


Vuong Phan (University of Southampton, UK).jpg

Vuong Phan, University of Southampton


Chee Khian, University of Portsmouth