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Submission Guidelines for Inside OR

The editorial staff are always on the lookout for article submissions from academics, practitioners and students concerning society business and events, news from members and general features directly related to the theory and practice of operational research and analytics. Adherence to these guidelines is necessary to ensure that we meet our newsletter printing and posting deadlines.

Format for article submissions:

  • MS Word document of 500 words. Longer submissions considered on an individual basis
  • Articles may be edited for space, grammar and accuracy
  • Inside OR content adheres to the Oxford University Style Guide – Download a copy
  • Submissions that are too technical, self-promoting, not relevant or inaccurate will be rejected
  • The editor’s decisions on all contributions are final and no correspondence will be entered into
  • If you are submitting an article on behalf of someone else or a committee, and you want to have input into the version that is printed, then you will need to make any amendments to the article before sending it to the dedicated Inside OR inbox
  • You will not see your article again until it is published
  • Deadline for submissions for consideration for the next edition is the first of the preceding month, i.e. 1 December for the January issue. (Please note Inside OR is a bi-monthly publication)
    • Revised submissions will not be accepted after the submission deadline unless the article is to appear in a future issue, not the next issue.
    • If the first of that month falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, the submission deadline will be the last working day before the first.

Photo and image submissions

Please submit print-quality, high-resolution photos or graphics (charts, graphs, etc.) attached to your email submission (not embedded in emails or other documents) as a JPEG, TIFF, PSD, EPS or AI file. Print-quality resolution for this publication is ideally 3508 pixels x 2480 pixels or scans made at 300dpi. Alternative file transfer arrangements may be made for images that are too large to email. Do not submit copyrighted photos, graphics or content unless you are the copyright holder or have written permission for reproduction from the copyright holder, which should be attached as part of your submission. Photos and graphics copied from websites are almost always not suitable for commercial printing and are usually copyrighted by someone. Citing a web link is not an acceptable alternative to copyright permission. Graphics created in PowerPoint or MS Word are not commercial print-quality. If you do not have an image to go along with your article, then the editorial staff may be able to find a suitable one after your article is accepted for publication.


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