Putting on your programme

The most important role for the SIG committee is to plan the programme of activities, agreeing topics and types of activity that will help to further understanding, awareness and interactions around your subject.

In practice, most SIG programmes consist largely of afternoon or evening meetings, each addressed by one or two UK-based speakers, held between two to eight times a year. Alternatively, SIG’s may have a smaller number of full-day events. You are encouraged to consider including a joint event each year, either with another Special Interest Group, a Regional Society or a relevant external body. Virtual meetings can play an important part of any SIG programme.

The earlier in advance you can plan the programme, the easier it is for the prospective participants to get it in the diary. The ideal is a programme covering the rolling year in advance; even if at an early stage it is simply a diary date, with location/online, theme and full details following as they are determined.

Regular SIG events are free of charge to those attending (including those who are not members of The OR Society); any reasonable costs being met by The OR Society (see costs section below).

Events can be held virtually, hybrid or in person. Virtual events have the advantage of making the event accessible to all regardless of location.

No Events are held during August and the beginning of September prior to the Annual Conference. 

If the venue has only a limited number of spaces, or if attendees need to be notified in advance to comply with the venue’s security or reception processes, then organisers will need to request advance registration. This can be done easily using EventsAir, EventBrite or Meetup (The OR Society has a Meetup account).

Support from The OR Society

The society provides a number of administrative services which you may make use of, please contact the point of contact in the office. Services can include:

  • Use of The OR Society’s logo in presentations and on promotional literature
  • Publicising on social media
  • Setting up Zoom event links for online events, creating polls and overall support during an online event.
  • Provide email support to the mailing list though Mailchimp. Provide content of event details, newsletter, group updates to the ORS Contact at least 2 weeks prior to an event. Mailings are sent out on Mondays and Wednesdays 
  • Production of name badges. If you are expecting more than a handful of people, these are recommended as they make informal networking a lot easier for shyer participants.
  • A variety of literature and flyers that may be useful for visitors, especially those who are not members of The OR Society
    • Copies of Impact and InsideOR magazine
    • Flyers for forthcoming conferences
    • Membership literature
    • Flyers about qualifications such as CAP and other ORS activities

Templates for items such as attendance sheets, advertising flyers, feedback forms and signposts, etc. are available on the Special Interest Group’s Basecamp page.